utorak, 29. travnja 2008.

shar el sheik

The simplicity of sun, sea and sand. The luxury of five-star hotels, water sports, shopping and entertainment. This is Sharm el-Sheikh, one of the most accessible and developed tourist resort communities on the Sinai peninsula. All around are Bedouins, colorful tents, mountains and sea. There are small, intimate hotels with modern designs, as well as larger hotel complexes belonging to International chains, plus about all the amenities one could expect of a tourist center, including casinos, discos and nightclubs, golf courses and health facilities. In fact, with diving and snorkeling, windsurfing and other water sports, horses and camel riding, desert safaris, and great nearby antiquities attractions, it is almost impossible for a visitor to ever suffer from boredom.

Four miles south the southern section of the town stands on a cliff overlooking the port. and is a great view.

Na'ama Beach is one of the center of the tourist activities. Located just north of Sharm, this area is developing into a resort town of its own. Most hotels at Na'ama Bay have their own, private beaches with comfortable amenities such as chairs, shades and even bars.

Shark's Bay is also nearby, and again is a growing resort community with more and more to offer, along with several diving centers.

The small harbor known as Sharm el-Moiya is located next to the civil harbor, has accommodations for boats, and includes a Yacht Club with rooms.

For those who live to shop, the Sharm El-Sheikh mall provides shops with both foreign and local products, including jewelry, leather goods, clothing, pottery and books.

It has been said that this is a must visit for all diving enthusiasts. There are many diving sites along the 10 mile beach between Sharm el-Sheikh and Ras Nusrani.


The culinary chefs agree upon one thing only: the truffle should be placed at the very top of the gastronomic delicacies list. The truffle is a mysterious and unique tuber, completely concealed underground. It does not dispose of a plant suspended above the ground and therefore, no human being is able to spot it, except for a well-trained dog tracing it by smell.

The land of our heart-shaped peninsula consists of two types of soil texture; the intensely red one in the coastal area and of the grey, clayish one in its central part. The truffle grows exactly in this grey soil, its epicenter being in the damp Motovun forest constantly moistened by the Mirna river flowing through its woods. To be more precise, it is mainly spotted in the County District of Oprtalj, by the townlet of Livade, and in the Buzet area, where Buzet has already been renowned as the TRUFFLE PLACE.

And after all, what is a truffle really? Perhaps an odd looking potato-like bulb of highly unpleasant smell, but once you get used to it and its culinary uniqueness, you become its true and eternal admirer. You tend to get addicted to it as one does to any other wordly vice.


The natural attributes of the Plitvice Lakes National Park, uniqueness and sensibiliry of that phenomenon, deserve a full attention of our visitors. Recreational aspect of stay and the amazement with beauty of the area that conquers by its natural diversity and harmony of shapes and colours in any of the seasons, is based on many mutually conditioned natural characteristics.
That is a specific geological and hydrogeological phenomenon of karst. The series of 16 bigger and a few smaller lakes, gradually lined up, separated by travertine barriers for which the period of the last ten thousand years was crucial, and which were ruled by ecological relations similar to those of today - suitable for travertine depositing and for the origin of the lakes - are the basic phenomenon of the National Park.
Travertine forming plants, algae and mosses have been and still are playing an important role in their creation, thus making a very sensitive biodynamic system.
Transitive type of climate between coastal and continental with microclimatic diversities makes summer pleasant and sunny, while on the other side winter is relatively long, harsh and snowrich. There are large forestry complexes in the Park area, of which some sections are protected as a special reserve of forestry vegetation due to its primeval characteristics (Corkova uvala virgin forest). Diversity of places and living conditions makes possible for numerous species of plants and animals in watery and terrestrial areas of the Park to develop with no disturbancy.
It should be stressed that all fundamental things that do determine the Park, make a very fragile structural and functional complex, sensitive to natural changes and to incautious human actions.
UNESCO has declared it with all rights as the World's natural inheritance. All that was mentioned in this short introduction shows a big importance and the reason why this Natural History Guide of The Plitvice Lakes National Park is being published. It should come into hands of every single visitor and draw his attention to numerous attractions of the first Croatian National Park.

subota, 26. travnja 2008.


Jadransko more

Jadran ili Adria dobio je ime po istoimenoj nekadašnjoj luci. Danas se grad Adria nalazi na talijanskoj obali, 38kilometara udaljen od mora, što je rezultat djelovanja geoloških sila, uslijed čega se sjeverna obala stalno uzdiže, a južna spušta.

Jadran obuhvaća prostor između Balkanskog i Apeninskog poluotoka. Dio koji pripada Republici Hrvatskoj je prostor istočne obale, koja se prostire od Prevlake na jugu do rta Savudrije na zapadu, uključujući sve otoke, otočiće i hridi duž obale, te otočje Palagruža (broj otoka, otočića i hridi je preko 1700), te predstavlja jedinstveno područje u Europi, kako za krstarenja motornim brodicama, gliserima ili jedrilicama, ali iza uživanje u podmorskom svijetu.

fire in the city

Chemical reaction

The fire tetrahedron
Fires start when a flammable and/or a combustible material with an adequate supply of oxygen or another oxidizer is subjected to enough heat and is able to sustain a chain reaction. This is commonly called the fire tetrahedron. No fire can exist without all of these elements being in place.
Once ignited, a chain reaction must take place whereby fires can sustain their own heat by the further release of heat energy in the process of combustion and may propagate, provided there is a continuous supply of an oxidizer and fuel.
Fire can be extinguished by removing any one of the elements of the fire tetrahedron. Fire extinguishing by the application of water acts by cooling the fuel to stop the reaction whilst also starving the fire of oxygen. Whereas application of carbon dioxide is intended primarily to starve the fire of oxygen. Other gaseous fire suppression agents, such as halon or HFC-227, interfere with the chemical

utorak, 22. travnja 2008.

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I think I have been lucky to try Viagra what has changed my sexual life a lot. Although I am 62 years old I have firm and often erections that are useful for masturbation. But I am in a long distance relationship with a lady I see once maybe twice a month. I feel amazing effect after taking 25 mg Viagra pill, just about 90 minutes before having sex. My lady also benefits from it having more often orgasms. We have more interesting sexual life and thanks Viagra we can go on with that pills much longer! I am going to take Viagra for the rest of my life!

podvodna puska

Potrudili smo se prikupiti veliku količinu informacija na ovoj stranici koje će Vas učiniti barem malo sposobnijim i savjesnim podvodnim ribolovcem.
Poznata fraza "Ribičke priče" u našim krugovima interpretirana je na poseban način. Dok u prosječnih ljudi odmah asociraju na pretjerivanje u opisima ulova, podvodnom ribolovcu pružaju velik užitak u čitanju. Ovdje možete pronaći znatan broj takvih priča, a uvijek ćemo rado primiti i Vašu!
Natjecanja u podvodnom ribolovu pokazatelj su izvrsnosti prvokategornika i značajno većih sposobnosti u odnosu na prosječnog podvodnog ribolovca. Višesatni napori na velikim dubinama pri krajnjim granicama snage je ono po čemu se natjecatelji ističu.
Tehnike i oprema u podvodnom ribolovu su donekle individualna stvar, no zajedničke smjernice možete pročitati iz tekstova iskusnih podvodnih ribolovaca.
Kao i svaka aktivnost pod vodom, podvodni ribolov sa sobom nosi niz potencijalnih opasnosti. Uvijek je bolje spriječiti nego liječiti, stoga pročitajte tekstove o sigurnosti i zdravlju.
Zakoni i etika, dva pojma koja su u dijelovima vrlo slični, a u nekima dijametralno različiti. Biti u skladu sa zakonom i općeprihvaćenom etikom, ako takva postoji, trebao bi biti cilj svakog podvodnog ribolovca jer podvodni ribolov je sport!
Biologija mora pruža Vam detaljan uvid u živi svijet sa kojim se susrećemo svaki put pod vodom. Naučite više o vrstama kako bi ih više cijenili.

holiday australia

Holiday Australia specialises in providing interesting, exciting and value for money small group tours.

Our tour itineraries are more comprehensive and complete as we include many additional attractions which are often only listed as optional extras at additional costs.

On our tours you will find people who love to travel, who want a quality experience and who enjoy good company. With group numbers between 12 to 22 people maximum, you will appreciate the personal attention we give you on your tour with Holiday Australia.

croatia photo

KORNATSKI OTOCI (Kornati Islands), archipelago is the most indented island group in the Mediterranean, situated in North Dalmatia, not far from Šibenik. It includes 140 uninhabited islands, islets and reefs with the area of only 70 km2. In the immediate vicinity of the Kornati National Park, there is another jewel of protected nature in Croatia - the Telašćica Natural Park, which includes a spacious and deep bay of the same name on the neighbouring Dugi otok. The Kornati islands are noted for their varied unusual forms and extraordinary relief structure, and especially the high cliffs.


La Finanziaria di quest’anno (Legge 24/12/2007, n° 244, art. 3, commi da 5 a 11) ha riproposto anche per il 2008 la possibilità per i contribuenti di destinare una quota pari al 5 per mille dell’Irpef a finalità di interesse sociale.Anche FONDAZIONE MILAN, in quanto Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale (ONLUS), ha richiesto la possibilità di essere inserita nell’elenco dei destinatari di questo provvedimento. Non si tratta di una tassa in più e non costa nulla: è una quota di imposte a cui lo Stato rinuncia per destinarla al sostegno del volontariato.

četvrtak, 17. travnja 2008.

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croatia holyday

Whether you choose to stay at the tourist complex or in a hotel near the city, there are warious sports fields nearby and the spring is the best season to experience the Poreč region on a bicycle. The scent of flowery Mediterranean fields will lure you, and if you look carefully what the folks are doing in thewoods, you might learn to pick wild asparagus, a local specialty. When you gettired of pedalling, you can play tennis or some indoors sports, ride a korse or sail. You have never played boccie, this is the opportunity to learn the sport that is becoming more popular in Europe. Spring is also ideal for trips to other Istrian towns, which are interesting for their cultural and historical heritage.The significance of tourist facilities in the Poreč region is that they are organized in such a way that they are suitable for the vacation of the entire family. You don't have to try any of the 165 courts, but when you are at the seaside try water sports, the equipment needed can be rented at any tourist resort and at sport centars. They will even offer you a mini-course. While you spend time on yourselves, children will be amused by trained entertainers.

srijeda, 16. travnja 2008.


Ovo je zbirka tekstova ,fotosa i misljenja raznih autora

o izradi drvene puske sakupljena sa raznih sajtova najvecim delom sa Submanie bez intervencije sakupljaca i pravljena je za internu upotrebu te nisu imenovani autori.Svaki dodatak ili razlicito misljenje vise je nego dobrodoslo.


Vidimo da su otvorene glave pušaka sa cirkularnim gumama zaživele i potisnule klasične glave u ipak drugi plan.
Sama otvorena glava ponudila nam je brojne prednosti u odnosu na klasičnu glavu.
Kao prvo ono što je uočljivo na prvi mah je bolja preglednost preko sulice i instiktivnije nišanjenje prilikom gađanja. Mogućnost upotrebe cirkularnih guma rađenih po vrlo jednostavnom principu odabirom željene debljine i dužine zavisno od osobnih preferencija lovca vrlo je zgodna i praktična stvar. Te gume nemaju padobranski efekt koji imaju kapice na krajevima klasične gume te su iskorištene celom svojom dužinom. Takođe, vrlo korisna stvar je priljubljenost guma uz telo puške koje omogućava manevrisanje u teškim uslovima ( kurenat, nagle promjene smera puške ) uz nikakvu ili vrlo slabu vibraciju guma koje znaju preplašiti grabljivce koje očekujemo na tim mestima.
Sama cirkularna guma takođe nema velikog uticaja na glavu puške. Guma nategnuta deluje na glavu puške tako da je potiskuje u telo puške i tako eliminiše mogućnost pucanja ili krivljenja glave koja se meni često događala prilikom upotrebe jakih lastiša na klasičnim arbaletama.
Još jedna novost je i upotreba drški koje su visoko postavljene u odnosu na telo puške.
Tako je šaka ribolovca samo na 1 cm udaljena od sulice što poboljšava instiktivno gađanje ali i bolje apsorbuje trzaj. Ruka u tom položaju doprinosi boljoj pokretljivosti pogotovo većih modela pušaka jer se iz zgloba relativno velika puška ( uz uslov da je dobro balansirana) može bez puno muke pokrenuti.
Takođe, još nešto zanimljivo uz dršku i mehanizam: dosta je modela u zadnje vreme čiji je mehanizam povučen unazad od 5 pa sve do 15cm (trygons puška). Tim dobijemo dodatne centimetre a da ne moramo uticati na dužinu puške.
Tako npr trygons puška koja je u odnosu na klasičnu arbaletu dužine 110 cm (telo puške) realno gledajući duga 125 cm a koristi sulicu od 130 cm ! Na kraju imate pušku preko cele dužine kao i model 100 cm ali neuporedivo veći domet i snagu kao i dobru pokretljivost što ne biste imali sa puškom dužine 125 cm.

Drvena puška, koja je uzeta s najvećom dozom nepoverenja danas je skoro pa neophodan deo opreme svakog podvodnog ribolovca.

Drvene puške izvanredno pogođenih oblika tela i napetim gumama priljubljenim uz telo (tako da ne stvaraju nikakav otpor ni vibracije pri pomicanju) doslovno su preko noći ušle na tržište koje je tada bilo rezervisano isključivo za karbon i razne legure laganih materijala.
Danas su napredovale do tog stepena da su izvanredno balansirane i opremljene po želji kupca (što je teško dobiti s fabričkim aluminijumom i karbonom) a usput zadržavaju sve prednosti drveta pred laganim puškama, pre svega snaga i apsorbcija trzaja.
Drvena puška bi se mogla posmatrati kao i investicija jer nema bojazni od pucanja pojedinih delova, zamora materijala i krivljenja. Iako podložna oštećenjima čak i više od klasičnih pušaka, relativno se lako i uspešno popravlja o čemu imamo i članak Danijela Babina koji i sam proizvodi vrhunske drvene puške.

Drvo ima prednosti pred karbonom i legurama u sferi korištenja dve pa cak i tri gume u kombinaciji težih sulica (tu ne bih u obzir uzimao najnovije grčke karbonske uratke težine i do 5 kg karbona, već puške koje nalazimo u regularnoj prodaji i po prihvatljivoj ceni) zbog svoje mase i apsorbcije trzaja, koji kao sto svi znamo utiče na preciznost i konačnu snagu i brzinu koja je ipak cilj uvođenja drveta u proizvodnju.
Dosta je ustaljena praksa stavljanje kraćih i debljih sulica na drvene puške jer tim dobijemo bolju pokretljivost same puške i puška se bolje ponaša u svim segmentima lova osim lova na čeku koji zahteva original sulicu zbog krajnjeg dometa i brzine koja je neophodna u tom lovu. Karbonska puška opet mora imati veliku masu da bi podnela recimo dve gume i teži harpun čim automatski nestaju njene osnovne komparativne prednosti pred drvetom.

Zaključak :
Osnovne komponente koje treba uzeti u obzir prilikom odabira podvodne puške su : snaga i pokretljivost.
Da bi puška bila jaka, mora imati jake lastiše (ili više slabijih) a onda ima veliki trzaj. Da bi ublažila taj trzaj mora biti masivna !
U suprotnom previše trza i neugodna je za gađanje.
Pokretljiva puška s druge strane mora biti što tanja i lakša . Tako možemo imati maksimum od oba sveta , a ako idemo na kompromis onda nećemo imati ni jedno ni drugo u apsolutnom smislu.
Ovu problematiku ću probati razjasniti na primerima pojedinih pušaka kao i o uticaju odabira optimalne kombinacije sulice i guma za pojedini tip podvodne puške.

U lovu puškama dužine do 100 cm laganu bih prednost ipak dao karbonu i ostalim laganim materijalima pred drvom isključivo zbog pokretljivosti i mogućnosti brzog i naglog manevriranja u plićem lovu dok su dužine preko 100cm rezervisane uglavnom za masivnije (drvene) puške kojima je i tako osnovna namena lov većih primeraka ribe i veći domet nauštrb pokretljivosti i elegancije.


Something about Poreč
Mosaic in Euphrasius Basilica
Panoramic view of Porec
Gothic house
In all different actions organized by the Croatian media and National Tourist Organization there is no one else but Porec when it comes to taking first place. So many rewards and certificates which no other Croatian tourist city has. This position is achieved through the mutual efforts of hotels and city authorities. In order to meet its guests properly, during the last few winter it is being prepared for the incoming season. The number of residents exceeds the number of tourists during summer months.
Poreč tourism is more than sun, sea and perfect tourist image. The summer visitors know how to recognize the city that is still keeping its historical values, which can be seen in the historical city center. You can find museums, galleries in the most valuable city palaces, many of them are the homes for people as they have been centuries ago. Many of our guests probably do not know that they are walking on the streets, built during the Roman times. One part of the city ramparts and towers is still preserved, in the Pentagonal tower there is a restaurant and in the Round tower a pub. Besides Basilica, now it is possible to visit Euphrasius' bishopric, opened in the year 2000 as an architectural monument and the curch museum.
Porec sea strand
Panoramic view of Porec
Porec by night
The capital of the Croatian tourism has one more face - sports. Many individuals, teams and selections of different sports choose Poreč for traning. The sports offer satisfies even those most demanding tourist amateurs.